Featured Flowers - January
- Country: Costa Rica
- Featured Flower Species: Large Red Anthuriums, Black Ti Leaves, Song of India, Red Torch Parakeet Heliconias, Medium Purple Anthuriums
As we settle in to the depths of winter, our talented group of florists and arrangers has risen to our annual challenge; every year we ask for at least one winter time bouquet that will warm the spirit and transport our members to the warm-weathered tropics. As always, they've come through with an ensemble that is as evocative of a tropical landscape as the sun-drenched Hawaiian coastline. An assemblage of graceful Costa Rican Red Torch Parakeet Heliconias, striking large red and supple medium purple anthuriums from the Hawaiian Islands, tri color tropical Hala leaves, animated Song of India and stalwart black ti leaves come together beautifully as a little bastion of the tropics in this, one of our favorite arrangements. With its bold lines and deep tropical colors, the composition of this month's bouquet is simply magnificent.
With an emphasis upon form flow and visual harmony, this collection offers many options for creating your own unique presentation. For example, notice how the Song of India and tri color Hala leaves are of very similar color composition, but their distinct forms provide for a wonderfully subtle diversification of textures and lines. Or the manner in which the slightly wavy pattern of Song of India leaves serves as a unifying influence which brings together the rounded anthuriums and pointed heliconias. This bouquet is guaranteed fun for the individual arranger, not to mention a joy for the privileged onlooker... Read MoreFeatured Flowers - February
- Country: Thailand
- Featured Flower Species: Candy Stripe Orchids, Red Sonja Orchids, Bear Grass, Israeli Ruscus
This month, your bouquet celebrates the exotic beauty of two different orchid varieties. Both are are grown in Thailand where there are many hybrid and wild orchid species. Israeli Ruscus, the greens accompanying your orchids, are grown in California and they will try very hard to outlast your orchids!
These orchids bloom in alternating sequences and under the proper conditions; they take quite a long time to wither. In fact, the last time we sent out similar hybrid orchids, we had several customers call to tell us that theirs had lasted more than 4 weeks! They must have had excellent care, and perhaps the location of the vase was just right to sustain them. For any cut flower to last four weeks is very unusual! On the other end of the spectrum, some wild orchid species bloom and wither all at once… needless to say we won't be sending you those! Read MoreFeatured Flowers - March
- Country: Colombia
- Featured Flower Species: White Fuji Spider Mums, Pink Cremon Mums, Yellow Football Mums, White Button Mums, Purple Pom Mums, Orange Roses, Israeli Ruscus
As winter eases up on its seasonal duties and we stand poised at the cusp of spring, The Fresh Cut Flower of the Month Club dives into the spirit of things by bringing you flowers that epitomize the magnificent sunsets and cool breezes of those picturesque days to come.
Five different chrysanthemum species are featured: Yellow Football Mums, White Spider Mums, White Button Mums, Pink Cremon Mums, and Purple Pom Mums. Orange roses and Israeli Ruscus add color, depth, and dimension to this stunning spring bouquet that will banish winter gloom and usher in the warmth of the new season! Read MoreFeatured Flowers - April
- Country: United States
- Featured Flower Species: Yellow Veldfire Pincushion Protea, Red Veldfire Pincushion Protea, Pink Latifolia Protea, Curly Willow, Tri Color Hala Leaves, Palm Frond
How interesting that these ancient beauties which existed in primordial times, are now considered to be the flower of the New Millennium! With their flamboyant looks, they make a big splash wherever they go, and can be arranged to suit every occasion. Dramatic, striking, and even a bit imposing, they add color, texture and line to make a mighty powerful statement.
Your stunning bouquet includes Vlam and Veldfire Pincushion Proteas, Latifolia Proteas, tri-color Hala leaves, a fan of palm, and an accent of Curly Willow: a radiant display that's sure to get lots of attention, no matter how you arrange it. Consider making several arrangements with just a few flowers. You don't need many of these spectacular flowers to make an impact! Read MoreFeatured Flowers - May
- Country: Netherlands
- Featured Flower Species: Cymbidium Orchid Spray, Red Sonja Orchids, Tri Color Hala Leaves, Bear Grass
This captivating, spectacular bouquet is one of our all time favorites! Is there any flower more arresting and sophisticated, elegant and graceful, mysterious and remarkable than an orchid? This month we've assembled a durable, yet exotic combination of cymbidium orchids which are accompanied with Hawaiian Hala leaves and Oregon Bear Grass. Many customers call to tell us that the bouquet survived to see the next month's shipment!
Our designer showed us many stunning arrangements using this combination of flowers and greens, so have a ball and let your creative spirit reign! There are no right or wrong ways to arrange these magnificent orchids! Read MoreFeatured Flowers - June
- Country: Ecuador
- Featured Flower Species: Le Rêve Oriental Lilies (pink & white), Deep Pink Alstroemeria, Variegated White & Pink Wax Flowers, Ruscus Greens
What a breathtaking way to celebrate the mysteries of nature… just take a really good look at your Le Reve Lilies. These flowers are particularly exceptional Orientals, dressed in delicate hues of blushing pink, sunny yellow and bountiful green, and accented by raised burgundy spots and stamens topped off by pollen in shades of cinnamon. The extraordinary range of textures… velvety, prickly, waxy, and the delicate veining of the petals lend credence to Le Reve's reputation for being truly a work of art.
Our complementary flower, Deep Pink Alstroemeria, is not about to take the back seat for long. Alstroemeria, commonly called the Peruvian Lily or Lily of the Incas or Parrot Lily is a South American genus of about 50 species of flowering plants, mainly from cool, mountainous regions in the Andes. The supporting roles are played by Italian Ruskus and Purple Wax Flowers. You can count on them to provide enduring encouragement for the main attractions by giving structure and diversity to your bouquet... Read MoreFeatured Flowers - July
- Country: Thailand
- Featured Flower Species: Mokara Orchids, Tri Color Hala Leaves, Lemon Leaf, Italian Ruscus
Your colorful selection this month arrives from the far reaches of Singapore. The enchanting Mokara Orchid is a trigeneric hybrid between the Ascocentrum, Vanda and Arachnis Orchids. Created in Singapore in 1969, Mokara is now as popular as its parents. The first Mokara hybrid was called Mokara Wai Liang, named after C.Y. Mok of Singapore. This hearty hybrid has a unique flower shape and the potential to last up to two or three weeks in the vase with proper care.
The supporting roles are played by Italian Ruskus and Tri-colored Hawaiian Hala leaves. You can count on them to provide enduring encouragement for the main attractions by giving structure and depth and diversity to your bouquet... Read MoreFeatured Flowers - August
Our featured arrangement this month represents an example of contrast in floral forms. The bouquet consists of eight stems of various colored Anthuriums from Hawaii. The most striking component of the arrangement is the contrast between the exceptionally thin stems supporting the large, glossy, brilliantly-colored Anthuriums. This arrangement repeatedly draws the eye from the thin supporting structures of the stems out to the large floral constellation created by vibrant Anthurium bracts and gives one the impression that they're viewing a snapshot of holiday fireworks ablaze in the nighttime sky.
Anthurium is a genus comprised of more than 800 species found in the New World tropics from Mexico to northern Argentina and Uruguay; species are also native to the West Indies. Often referred to as "the heart of Hawaii", this species is actually native to the wet forests on the western slopes of the Andes in southern Colombia and northern Ecuador. Despite the fact that Anthuriums are not native to the Hawaiian Islands, in the minds of many people, Anthuriums are the Hawaiian flower. Supporting greens-Tri-color Hala leaves and black ti leaves-hailing from similarly sun-drenched destinations, round out this arrangement, which is sure to evoke a tropical feel when they're on display in the home or workplace... Read MoreFeatured Flowers - September
This month, the Fresh Cut Flower Club presents you with one of the most flamboyant personalities in the world of Lilies. Your Oriental hybrids are aptly named, Acapulco, and you can count on them to fill your whole room with an intense and intoxicating fragrance! It’s hard to compete with Acapulco’s breathtaking light pink hues fading to rich hot pinks at the centers, and their long, graceful stems sporting several flowers. To complement Acapulco’s striking beauty, our designers selected two very different green flowers with unusual textures that won’t even try to vie for center stage.
We are sure you’ll enjoy these unique varieties, and they are sure to solicit lots of questions from your quests. Green Amaranthus, a tender annual that is native to India, the Philippines and other warm countries, will dramatically cascade down your vase, providing a charming base to your arrangement. The Bells of Ireland, yet another symbol of good luck, are hardy annuals with pale green bell-shaped calyx formed along green stems. And the tiny white flowers that are surrounded by the green calyces add just a hint of color to this otherwise all green flower... Read MoreFeatured Flowers - October
- Country: United States
- Featured Flower Species: Safari Sunset Protea, Pink Ice Latifolia Protea, Millet Wheat
This month, The Fresh Cut Flower of the Month Club brings you a bouquet that when dried, is every bit as stunning as the first day you arrange it in the vase! At the heart of this exotic, yet durable arrangement is two very different varieties of Hawaiian Proteas, Pink Ice Latifolia and Safari Sunset. Although both proteas, you'll quickly note that these two flowers quite different from each other. When properly cared for, your proteas stay looking fresh for weeks!
The name Protea is derived from the Greek god, Proteus, who could assume different shapes. Appropriate indeed as the colorful protea flowers themselves come in such a wide variety of shapes and colors, from tiny dwarf flowers to shrubs and trees and can range in size from two to twelve inches in diameter! Discovered several centuries ago in South Africa, these flowers are now also being grown in California. We've rounded the Pink Ice and Safari Sunset Proteas with an accent of Millet Wheat to bring home the Fall season! Enjoy this exotic, long lasting bouquet in the vase and then read our accompanying newsletter to find out exactly how to dry it so that its beauty lives on indefinitely! Read MoreFeatured Flowers - November
- Country: Colombia
- Featured Flower Species: Yellow Vyron Daisy Mums, True Blue Eucalyptus, Yellow Sunflowers, Orange Lilies
Your arrangement, this month, seems to taunt the arrival of fall with its vibrant display of colors. We at The Fresh Cut Flower of the Month Club would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers, and wish you a bountiful season. We know that the striking combination of colors in your bouquet will help to creative a festive ambiance, and it is our hope that these flowers foretell the abundant levels of happiness you will experience this holiday season.
You're in for a treat this month with two primary flower selections: yellow sunflowers and orange lilies. The dynamic hues of these two flowers alone are breathtaking, but for aesthetic balance we have added yellow chrysanthemums, accented with blue, sooo sweet smelling, eucalyptus… a splendid reflection of the harvest season! Read MoreFeatured Flowers - December
- Country: New Zealand
- Featured Flower Species: New Zealand Pink Peonies, Douglas Fir Pine, Deep Pink Alstroemeria

Over 25 Years Experience Shipping Flowers
We’ve shipped hundreds of thousands of bouquets over the years. Our designers
know which blooms ship best, how to pack them, and buy only top-rated blooms.
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